Selingan jap.

8:16 PM syafira hassan 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum :)

Hari ni dah Isnin.
Cepat betul masa ni kan.

Sebenarnya tengah siapkan kerja.
Tak lah kelam kabut.
Tapi kena laju sikit la.
Insyaallah lagi 1 jam siapkan genome mining assignment.
Then ready ke Fakulti untuk kelas CB2.
Malam ni kena siapkan JQUERY pulak.
Moga dipermudahkan.

Pasal PSM, malam tadi dah perah otak sikit.
Lame berfikir atas katil sampai tak boleh tidur. ehehe
Harapnya SV taknak jumpa esok la.
Jumpa hari Khamis.
So sempat nak siapkan jadula yang dia nak.

Obi dan saya berpuasa hari ni.
Tak sama.
Saya puasa ganti.
Dia puasa sunat.

ok, back to work.
seling2 ni 5 minit je.
takleh lame2

wasalam :)

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The Mayonnaise Jar..

3:11 AM syafira hassan 0 Comments

When things in your life seem, almost too much to handle,
When 24 Hours in a day is not enough,
Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class
 and had some items in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly,
He picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar
And proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students, if the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured
them into the jar.   He shook the jar lightly.
The pebbles rolled into the open Areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full.  They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.
 Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.'

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand.  The students laughed.

'Now,' said the professor,   as the laughter subsided,
'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things - family, children, health, friends, and favorite passions –
Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car.

The sand is everything else --The small stuff.

'If you put the sand into the jar first,'  He continued,
there is no room for  the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff,
You will never have room for the things that are important to you.


Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Play with your children.
Take time to get medical checkups.
Take your partner out to dinner.

There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.

'Take care of the golf balls first --
The things that really matter.
Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

The professor smiled..
'I'm glad you asked'.

It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,
there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.'


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Gila resipi!

6:09 PM syafira hassan 0 Comments


Gila resipi? Ke gila nak makan?
Sama je.

Lately asyik duk tengok page myresipi je.

Wah2.. sedap je tengok masakan orang lain buat.

Tadi baru je godek2 resipi  pie epal @ apple pie. Sedap tu.

Eheh. Dulu saya tak suka langsung makanan2 kebaratan ni. Roti pun i tak suka uols.

Tapi ntah dari mana puncanya, yang ala2 omputih makan tu la saya duk sibuk mengidam nak makan.


Dulu bukan main tolak pizza,, Ye la tekak tak leh terima cheese. Nah hamek kau, sekarang pantang oramg ajak, laju je nak makan. Er, tak tunggu orang ajak pun, sendiri beli.

Ececeh..Haha dah pandai order-order online ni. Bahaya betul. Hikhik.

Sekarang tengah membuak-buak perasaan nak masak2. Lagi-lagi resipi baru. *hmm...dah ade ciri2 saintis ni. suke mencuba.* haha

Nak buat macam-macam. Nak cuba buat spagetthi sendiri. Puding jagung yang obi suke tu. pendek kate, semua la nak buat.

erk, nape ek tetiba ade perasan nak masak2 nih?


Itu la, duk borak lagi pasal nikah kahwin ni. Semalam sampai terbawa-bawa dalam mimpi. *cita-cita nak jadi surirumah*. Choi!! (Gaya sally.) haha

Padahal tengah tension buat assignmnet tak siap-siap.

Mula la otak racun fikiran sikit-sikit.

"Itu la kau, dulu  kalau kau nikah je lepas PSM, xde nk sakit2 otak buat assignment mengarut ni".

Ah, pedulikan, mainan minda je tu. I kahwin bila2 pun, ape u pedulik.

Takpe la. Nak sambung buat kerja.

Nak masak2 ni, tunggu la ade duit, beli dapur. Time tu, master chef pun kalah tgok resipi yang I masak. ahah.

Bye all.


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Slow and easy...

12:19 PM syafira hassan 0 Comments


Menaip di subuh hari. Luckily tomorrow dont have class. No CB2 class for 2 weeks and No GM class for the next 3 weeks. Meaning we all cuma perlu attend one and the only class WP.

Nampak macam free je kan? Tapi tak pun. Dr.S dah bagi bekalan assignment yang sangat banyak. Dah nak masuk 5 hari tidur tak tentu nak siapkan jurnal yang first. Have to submit this wednesday.

PSM tak tahu cerita lagi. Tempoh hari tak sempat jumpa Dr. Roha sebab hujan and ada kelas ganti GM.
Terfikir untuk drop PSM sem ni, nak amek time short sem. Tapi kene bncang dulu dengan Dr roha macam mane.

Intan dah masuk hari ke 3 tak makan sebab buat diet Master Cleanse. Semoga berjaya! Tak kisah nak buat pape, tapi make sure tak memudaratkan diri! And larat tak larat, kene siapkan jugak asigmnt GM ya Intan!

Dah ngantuk. Jom tidur.


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Hai pakcik bas!

4:46 PM syafira hassan 0 Comments


Hai semua..hai abg. hehe (kalau awk baca la..) :D

Semalam along ada call, cakap kawan dia nak ambil motor. Motor along dah lama saya guna kt UTM  ni. Dari tahun 1 lagi. Kira sangat-sangat berjasa. Macam-macam yang motor tu lalui. jerit perit. Ececeh...haha.

Mula-mula sayang jugak nak bagi balik. Ye la, kalau along ambil motor tu, saya dah takde transport kat UTM ni. So maknanye lepas ni kene ke kelas naik bas. Macam student tahun 1. Dah tak boleh nak stay lama-lama kat fakulti. Tak boleh overnight lagi pasni.

Macam-macam pengalaman dengan motor tu. Kene tahan dengan pak guard sebab naik 3 orang lepas balik dari BBQ kayak masa tahun 1 dulu. Dating dengan abang. Pernah accident beberapa kali. Dengan liza, farah. Hehe, sebanarnya saya pun cuak jugak nak bawak sekarang. Lepas kes langgar lari aritu. Hehe. Tutup kes. Hik.

Takpela, dah sampai masa kena pulang kat tuan punya. Kita ni pegang amanah tolong jaga je. Sorry banyak-banyak along. Motor tu dah tak berapa nak lawa. Berkarat, pecah sana sini. Bukan tak jaga, tapi sebab motor tu tak ada sticker, so tak boleh simpan kat parking berbumbung. Sorry eh along. :D

Alhamdulillah, bilik saya dapat wifi. So, kalau tak pergi fakulti pun takpe. Buat kerja kat bilik je. Nak mintak wifi booster kat abang la. Hehe.

So pakcik-pakcik bas, lepas ni kita akan selalu bertemu! 

Bye. nak siapkan assignment genome jap. Salam.

p/s: terima kasih Zack sepang. sebab tolong angkat motor tadi. :)

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weekend @KL + Asu's sms

4:38 AM syafira hassan 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum :)

Letih. Baru je sampai ke JB pukul 5 petang tadi. Sekarang baru pukul 8.20 malam. Ingat nak rehat, tapi tak boleh sebab kena siapkan web programming punya assignmnet dulu then baru boleh tidur. Pagi esok bangun awal nak siapkan assignment Dr. Saberi pulak.

Firstly, nak say thank banyak-banyak kat Obi. Love you so much Abg :). Terima kasih sebab bagi planner, beli cardigan baru, sandal baru, teman pergi settlekan umobile and semua-semua. Enjoy sangat dating dengan awak. Hehe. Tadi jumpa, sekarang dah rindu balik. Wuwuwuwu...

Yesterday my younger brother Asu sent me a sms. Say that his PLKN will be start on next month. Hehehe, naluri seorang kakak ni kuat. Mesti ada maksud kalau dia tetiba sms macam tu. So, i gave him a call

"Su, excited x nk g?"

"Tak tahu la. Jauh ngat Besut. Kawan-kawan kite seme dapat kat marang".

Hik, now I know what actually his worry all about. Adik saya yang bongsu ni tak pernah langsung duduk jauh dari family. Pergi kem pun tak pernah rasanya. Dia cuak kot first time nak duk jauh, then tup-tup dapat tempat jauh. Tak ada kawan pulak tu.

Siap cakap macam ni,

-"Xdok orang la nk g lawat kite kekgi."

Hehe. Sabar Asu ok, kejap je 3 bulan tu. Lama-lama biasa. Tak ada masalah la selepas ni kalau dapat offer sambung belajar mana-mana kan?

I know you are strong bro. Hehehe. Have some faith in self. Balik nanti jadi kuat. tapi makin hitam la. Hahaha



p/s:: BB1M ada lagi 50. Nak cari pen untuk kak long.

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